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Create stylish ASCII nick name in just a second by using ASCII nick name maker. Generate an ascii MSN messenger nickname. Please be patient. It takes some time until this page is completely loaded ASCII nick names and screen names for MSN Messenger, Yahoo, MySpace, AOL or ICQ. Add your ASCII nickname variations too! MSN Nick is a place to find MSN Nick, MSN Nick Names, MSN Screen Names, Cool MSN Names, Funny MSN Names, Love MSN Names, MSN Display Names, Good MSN Names, Cute MSN Names. Ok, Well a while back, On MsN my friend had like a. … Ok, Well a while back, On MsN my friend had like a house with 2 palm trees on the side for his personal message, I know he. In Messenger Service, such as Yahoo Messenger or MSN aka Windows Live Messenger characters from ASCII can be used as an art text nickname or status message. (*)¤¨¨¤Did I look likê I cårêd?¿..oop§ lêt mê try ågåiñ¤¨¨¤(*) »–»i dont §uffêr from in§åñity, i êñjoy êvêry miñutê of it«–«:P